Friday, 24 January 2014

New Blog Site - Goes Live!
Welcome to our new school blog.
This is part of our drive to update an improve our communication with parents and friends of the school. 
You can still reach our MOODLE website from the link above, and find your way from the MOODLE back here. In the coming weeks we hope to update and refresh lots of the website. 

Call back here for updates... follow us on twitter... and sign up to the Parent Mail above!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

School Launches TWITTER feed

This week our school has started to tweet for the very first time! 
We have sent home new consent letters to make sure that we have permission to use your children's photos on twitter and also on this new blog.

This will be an excellent way for us to share what is going on in the classroom - instantly with you!
The aim is for each class to tweet something every week 
(though at the moment the children are keen to tweet everyday!)

You can follow us on twitter by searching for...


We will also tweet to let you know that the blog has been updated.

Monday, 20 January 2014


Today the school was visited by Hamish Belding from Sustrans to launch the new "Bike It" initiative. Over the next 2 terms the children are being challenged to cycle, scoot or walk to school - so that our school can succeed at becoming a "bike it" school. 

The benefits of this program inlcude:
  • Exercise - on the way to and from school
  • Road safety awareness! Hamish will be back to lead lessons at the school
  • Reduction of traffic around the school!
  • Reduction of polution from cars around the school