Monday, 24 March 2014

Potential Strike Action Update
Monday March 24th - 3pm

At this stage we understand that strike action will go ahead on Wednesday 26th March. 
The only classes open will be:

Class 1 - (Nursery) Mrs J Richards
Class 3 - Miss D Matthews
Class 6 - Miss E Morgan

We apologise for this unavoidable inconvenience.

Friday, 21 March 2014

POTENTIAL for School Closure on Wednesday 26th March, 2014

Dear Parents / Carers,
We have today sent out a letter regarding possible strike action by member of the NUT union next week.
The only classes who will be unaffected by this action will be:

Class 1 - Nursery -     Mrs J. Richards’ class
Class 3 - Infants   -     Miss D Matthews’ class
Class 6 - Juniors   -     Miss E. Morgan class

At this stage we are unable to confirm that strike action will definitely go ahead. 
We will update this Blog as soon as we can confirm the situation either way.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Parents Questionnaire Results and Response

At the end of last term we asked parents and carers to complete a survey
to share their views about our school. Below please find a link to the results of the survey
and the school's response. 

A big thank you to all parents who took time to complete and return the survey
your views have helped staff to celebrate what we do well and have also highlighted 
some areas in which can can improve. 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Class 3 are the proud parents of our new cutest arrivals at Abercanaid. 
Well done for looking after the eggs Class 3... more photos to follow soon on the Class 3 Blog.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Eisteddfod  2014 - Bendegedig!
Congratulations to Ty Melyn (Yellow House) who have won the over all Eisteddfod competition this year. Well done to all of the children who took part. It has been an excellent competition - we have seen some beautiful art work, read some excellent legends and enjoyed recitations, plays and singing throughout the day. 

REMINDER: Friday 7th March - Eisteddfod Showcase for Parents
There will be 2 performances: 1:30pm and 2:30pm.