Monday, 21 November 2016

Snow Procedures

With the possibility of snow in the coming weeks we would like to remind parents of our school closure procedures.

Our aim is for the school to remain open during snowy periods unless weather conditions make it unsafe for children, parents and/or staff to travel to and from the school. 

If the school is to be closed on any given day this website will be updated immediately. 
Decisions will be made before 7:30am.

School closures will also be updated on the official Merthyr Schools Closures Website here.
Please take extra care when approaching the school either on foot or in cars during icy conditions.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Children in Need - Mannequin Challenge

Here's our attempt at the Mannequin Challenge:

Children in Need

Friday saw the Year 6s once again organise and run our annual Children in Need fundraising event. They worked incredibly hard all day long to raise money for such a wonderful cause. The whole school had a wonderful time with the children looking fantastic in their costumes. A massive thank you for your incredible generosity in making donations - we raised an incredible £623.36!!! More photos from Friday will be put onto the website this week.